the Original Position
‘The original position is a central feature of John Rawls’ social contract account of justice, ‘justice as fairness’, set forth in A Theory of Justice. It is designed to be a fair and impartial point of view that is to be adopted in our reasoning about fundamental principles of justice’
(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The Original Position is a consultancy firm in the area of strategic governance, procurement issues, social protection and financial linkages with government budget. Mainly commissioned by governmental organizations and NGO’s.
International field
Internationally I work as a consultant for various organizations, including ILO, UNICEF and ADB (Asian Development Bank), with field experience in over 20 countries in East, South-East and South Asia, Sub Saharan Africa, Middle East and Caribbean regions. Specialties are financing and governance of social protection, fiscal space and the financial linkages between the social protection system and the government budget.
In the Netherlands
Dutch commissionners have been several ministries and local governments (municipalities). The focus in this line of work lies with strategic procurement of social services, advising mainly local and regional government organizations with respect to organizing, purchasing and delivering social services and organizing ‘integrated service’ networks.